Vision for King County Promise

King County Promise is designed to ensure that students of color and students who have been historically underserved by education systems have the support they need to access and complete postsecondary pathways of their choice, strengthening their range of choices for their future. Specifically, this means that:

  • All youth of color and other historically underserved young people will receive high quality support so they can choose, pursue, and succeed in their postsecondary path;
  • Substantial system capacity will be built across K-12, higher education, and communities to ensure more equitable support;
  • Our institutions and organizations will significantly improve systems to simplify the journey and ensure more equitable experiences and outcomes;
  • PSCCN and partnerships will gather the data needed to inform the improvement of the programming, evidence-based practices, and staffing levels required to achieve higher levels of postsecondary enrollment and success.

The intended goals of King County Promise are:

  • Increase postsecondary attainment by age 26 of King County Promise served youth to 70 percent, with no gap in attainment rates between prioritized young people and their peers (Student Goal)
  • K-12 districts, postsecondary institutions, and community-based organizations in King County collaborate to create a cohesive, equity-focused P-16 educational system that supports postsecondary success for young people (System Goal)

Achieving these outcomes would mean:

  • Youth receive high quality support from K-12, postsecondary institutions, and community organizations to make the transition into postsecondary
  • Youth’s transition experience into from K-12 or community to postsecondary becomes more seamless and experience fewer barriers, regardless of the high school they attend and the postsecondary school they choose
  • Young people ages 16-26 who are not in school or working in a family wage earning job have access to supports that navigate them back onto secondary and postsecondary tracks
  • Once at college, students are connected with reliable programming, advising, and support in navigating academic and life barriers 
  • Youth receive financial support that is targeted to address barriers and is available to highest need students


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