Thank you to Our Promise Community
Beginning in 2017, the PSCCN team and partners began discussions and research to identify local needs, gaps, and barriers to more equitable postsecondary enrollment and completion. This work included student and educator focus groups, partner strategy sessions, exploration of other Promise models, and local data analysis. A critical piece of advice from national advisors included - ‘be sure to design a Promise model that solves for your unique challenges’. Some Promise models are designed to incentivize families to stay or return to a city that’s struggling economically, others are designed to address major gaps in high school graduation. Our context in King County is a unique one: so much wealth and opportunity in the region, especially for those with a postsecondary degree, high postsecondary aspirations by students and families, contrasted by significant and disproportionate gaps in graduation and postsecondary enrollment.
To support the aspirations of students and young people, and address these systemic barriers to their success, hundreds of King County students and parents; educators and systems leaders in K-12, colleges, and community organizations; business leaders; local and state government leaders; and national experts engaged in an intensive planning process that contributed to the development a comprehensive student support model, the King County Promise.
The PSCCN Team wants to thank all our partners who have been instrumental in supporting the development of King County Promise. Your dedication built a program targeted to disrupt systemic barriers that have historically prevented underserved young people in King County from accessing and obtaining a postsecondary education. The partnerships we are forging in Phase 1 (2022-2024) are based on the foundational values you helped create. We are inspired to see how the program will continue its growth through 2035. Thank you to all our partners for their time, expertise, and vision of King County Promise.
Our honorable partners include:
Organizational Participation in Design & Implementation of Promise
Refinement Phase
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