High School & Beyond Plan
In Washington, students are required by state law to complete a plan outlining their preparedness and next steps post-graduation. This plan is called the High School and Beyond Plan, and while plans throughout the state often cover similar themes, each district designs and determines the requirements for their own High School and Beyond Plan. Basic High School and Beyond plans ask students to develop a career goal, an educational goal, and a four-year high school course map. The plans are to be developed with parents and guardians, use interest inventories and transcripts, and be updated to reflect changes in a student's goals and progress as they move from 8th through high school. The High School and Beyond Plan is an excellent tool to ensure equitable access to foundational college and career readiness content, foster postsecondary preparedness, and engage students in deeper inquiry about their goals and interests through a variety of activities and experiences.
High School & Beyond Plan Development in Puget Sound
In the Puget Sound Region, districts have created a wide range of High School and Beyond plans, often developed within an online portfolio system such as Career Cruising, Naviance, or WSPC. Below are some resources for developing High School and Beyond plans. Please contact PSCCN for additional resources or connections to regional leaders.
- Federal Way School District’s High School & Beyond Resource Guide
- Highline Public Schools High School & Beyond Plan
- Kent School District High School & Beyond Plan
- Seattle Public Schools High School & Beyond Plan
- Auburn School District High School & Beyond Plan
- State Board of Education Information on High-Quality Plan
- OSPI Guidelines for High School & Beyond Plans